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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hawass investigates the tunnels at Giza

I've been following information regarding Andew Collins' discovery (or, more accurately, rediscovery) of tunnels beneath the pyramids at Giza (Read my previous posts on the topic here and here).  Initially, Dr. Zahi Hawass, Director of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, denied that the tunnels existed, and he still doesn't seem to think they are anything significant.  But according to a new article I found, Hawass has now sent an Egyptian excavation team to investigate the the tunnels.

Read the article here.



  1. You come up with the most intriguing information! Thanks for posting this.

  2. Yeah...I'm trying to keep up with new developments on this story. I'm actually somewhat disappointed that Hawass has sent an all Egyptian team to excavate the site. Over the years of seeing Hawass in documentaries, I've come to realize that he can be very dogmatic with the academic establishment's version of ancient Egyptian history. What intrigues me so much about ancient Egyptian history is how mysterious it is, and I think the academic establishment has become too dogmatic in what they view as the definitive interpretation of Egyptian history. But seriously, the biggest heyday of Egyptian civilization was 4000-5000 years ago...and most hieroglyphs are in tombs and temples. Hieroglyphs on tombs and temples are certainly not a complete record of Egyptian life. A lot of historical records were written in later periods of Egyptian history. And, although a lot of conclusions can be drawn from excavations of historical sites, the conclusions drawn are highly interpretive, not necessarily definitive.

    But the establishment seems to think their view of ancient Egyptian history is definitive. But for a civilization as old and mysterious as ancient Egypt, I'd caution anyone from getting to attached to a specific viewpoint. For a civilization so old, it's difficult to know for sure that any particular interpretation is totally accurate. Part of what I love about studying Egyptian history is learning different viewpoints and analyzing them myself.

    Hawass seems to be very attached to his viewpoint though. I fear that if he were to find something profound in the tunnels beneath Giza, he would either downplay its significance or not report the find at all.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see!
