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Monday, January 25, 2010

Excusing 2012

My latest thoughts on 2012 were inspired by a post by Lon on  the blog Phantoms and Monsters.  Lon's post is about what appears to be planet sized spheres in the sun's corona that may be UFOs, expelled plasma, light distortion, or something else.  Lon's post isn't about 2012, but thinking about the anomalies around the sun's corona made me consider possible excuses people may use if the year 2012 comes and goes without the world ending or a great awakening.

Would anyone suggest that aliens came and numbed the effects of the sun during 2012?  Would they point to something like planet-sized UFOs around the sun claiming that the UFOs were there to prevent the earth's poles from shifting?  Would others accuse aliens of preventing a great awakening?  What other excuses might believers use?

Maybe instead of accepting that nothing significant happened, they would instead point to some event such as a major election or fancy new invention and herald it as the beginning of a new age.  The event itself might not be that significant in the grand scheme of things, but maybe they would consider it to be only the very beginning and that the world would change more over time because of it.  In other words, they may say an event occurring in 2012 is beginning of a new era in much the same way someone might use the phrase, "Today is the first day of the rest of my life."

As for me, I still just have a wait and see attitude.  I'm not really a believer or a non-believer.  But if 2012 comes and goes without anything significant happening in the world (or to the world), I'm curious to see how the believers will deal with it.  Even if nothing significant occurs, I doubt the hype will go away over night.


  1. It's always interesting to me that most of the speculation about the exact date of the end of the world in 2012 is based on the Mayan calander, which is cyclical. People forget that the Mayans believed the world had ended before. They saw the world in periods. The last apocalypse was an apocalypse of water bringing us into the age of fire. The 2012 end will see the world ending in fire and the new age will be ether. For the Mayans the world ended and began many times. They didn't see the end of the world as a complete end and they also saw it as a new beginning.

  2. If anything major happens, I seriously doubt that it would be a complete end of the world. I think there would be a new beginning too. But it may just be business as usual in 2012. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. I have the same point of view on it that you do. Just wait and see. Although compared to Y2k 2012 I think is an entirely different bandwagon. Not only is there the "new age/era" people, but those that also think it's the end which brings to question whether some wacko will try and create that "end" just because they can. Odds are imo nothing will happen, but still there is enough of a chance.

  4. Jeff, I think I want to marry you.

  5. Yeah, Y2K and 2012 are definitely in different categories. I don't know what the odds are of something big happening, but then again, who really knows what the odds are of something big happening on any other day either?

    Deirdre - lol, wow. And here I thought you were already housewife.

  6. It may be that 2012 is about a paradigm shift. Something happens - an external event - that completely changes the way we view the nature of reality.

  7. Very thought-provoking post. I hoped someone would talk about those orbs around the sun. What I thought of immediately was--does this have something to do with the complete and utter stoppage of geomagnetic activity since late 2008? We know geomagnetic activity causes bad dreams and can make mentally unstable people suicidal or homicidal, and I've found correlations with ghostly activity and world events...If you wanted to neuter a troublesome world--how would you do it? Change something about the world's conditions to tame the people down??? Well, that's the conspiracy version. The scientific version? Perhaps the two do correlate but not for supernatural reasons. It could be that the lack of activity with solar recently has made it possible to see things we didn't see before during it's really splashy bright times. Maybe there are planets near the sun we never could see before. Mind you, they'd probably be molten balls of metal, but still pretty awesome.

  8. I'm open to a paradigm shift, but I hope it shifts in a good way and not a bad one.

    Interesting ideas, Autumnforest, particularly your suggestion that they might be actual planets. Considering that they are planet sized, I suppose it only makes sense to consider the possibility that they actually are planets. I wonder how fast the objects - whatever they are - can move (or orbit the sun)?

  9. You know, I have only rudimentary knowledge, but since the sun can make our planets orbit around it, if a planet say the size of Earth that's that close to it, should circle it very fast indeed! The heat of the sun would probably make anything that circles it molten, but there have been lots of legends of planets on the other side of the sun. With the sun very "inactive" recently, we can probably see things we didn't see before. I'd love to see past shots of the sun from another quiet time in its history to see if such a thing might have shown up or if this is new. The concept of alien ships--not too believable to me for the basic reason of the proximity to the sun, but I could believe in either giant meteors caught in its pull or potentially planets.
