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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Interesting news and articles - April 7, 2013


Pennsylvania field holds secrets of 1780s British POW camp

Restoration starts on world’s first cave church

Ancient mysteries revealed in Turkmen desert sands

A view of the excavated and restored ancient fortress town of Gonur-Tepe 50 km outside the modern city of Mary in the Kara Kum desert in remote western Turkmenistan, on April 2, 2013. After being uncovered by Soviet archaeologist Viktor Sarianidi in the last century, the former fortress town of Gonur-Tepe is gradually revealing its mysteries to the world with new artifacts being uncovered on every summer dig [Credit: AFP]


Loch Ness monster expert to reveal findings


Aberdeen investigators search for ghosts on famous ship


Scientists Find Mysterious Giant Pockmarks on Chatham Rise

Bizarre Remains of “Dragon Skeleton” Discovered in Chinese Sea

NDE research

'Revealing Heaven:' Episcopal Pastor Details Hundreds of Near-Death Experiences, Backs Rob Bell


Computers Can 'See' People's Dreams

Is An Alien Message Embedded In Our Genetic Code? --I see this as a scientific attempt at explaining what religions have already taught for thousands of years...that a higher power designed us.


Curiosity's Parachute Flaps in the Martian Wind

Curiosity, Interrupted: Sun Makes Mars Go Dark

NASA discovers Moon and large Asteroids have alot in common

Mapping the chemistry needed for life at Europa

Volcanoes of Jupiter's moon Io in the wrong place

This five-frame sequence of images from NASA's New Horizons mission captures the giant plume from Io's Tvashtar volcano. Snapped by the probe's Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) as the spacecraft flew past Jupiter in 2007, this first-ever movie of an Io plume clearly shows motion in the cloud of volcanic debris, which extends 330 km (205 miles) above the moon's surface. Only the upper part of the plume is visible from this vantage point. The plume's source is 130 km (80 miles) below the edge of Io's disk, on the far side of the moon. Io's hyperactive nature is emphasized by the fact that two other volcanic plumes are also visible off the edge of Io's disk: Masubi at the 7 o'clock position, and a very faint plume, possibly from the volcano Zal, at the 10 o'clock position. Jupiter illuminates the night side of Io, and the most prominent feature visible on the disk is the dark horseshoe shape of the volcano Loki, likely an enormous lava lake. Boosaule Mons, which at 18 km (11 miles) is the highest mountan on Io and one of the highest mountains in the solar system, pokes above the edge of the disk on the right side. The five images were obtained over an 8-minute span, with two minutes between frames, from 23:50 to 23:58 Universal Time on 1 March 2007. Io was 3.8 million km (2.4 million miles) from New Horizons. [Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute]


Man Claims Secret “Technology Exchange” With Extraterrestrials --Nothing really new here.  Just more of the claim that the government secretly exchanges information with extraterrestrials.

Mysterious Airships and Phantom Flying Machines

Other topics of interest...

School forces 25 hungry students to throw away lunches when they couldn’t pay --Remember last week's new link where the police restrained people from getting food being thrown away by a supermarket eviction?  Well here's another example of why people not starve.  Not because there isn't enough food, but because they are deprived of it.

Scientists discover seal that dances to ‘Boogie Wonderland’ and Backstreet Boys

Russian Photographers Stealthily Climb the Great Pyramid of Giza to Shoot Photos --- Here's a pic...click the link to read how they did it!

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